
Public Statements


ESI, as a third party, has an established process to handle and resolve appeals that arise during the validation and verification (V&V) services. The process is administered by ESI’s Internal Auditor, who is independent from the verification or validation team and process. The Internal Auditor will select a Project Investigator on the ESI staff that is independent of the validation or verification to investigate all validation or verification related appeals.

The ESI Internal Auditor will provide the name and title of the ESI personnel selected to investigate the appeal and a detailed description of ESI’s appeals process from ESI’s Validation/Verification Manual to the company or person submitting the appeal.

If you would like to file an appeal related to ESI’s 3rd party validation and verification services, please contact ESI’s Internal Auditor at dfalter@esiagconsulting.com.

Please include in your submission:

  • The client’s name and contact information
  • The nature of the dispute (e.g. miscalculation, interpretation of protocol)
  • The resolution sought

The ESI Internal Auditor will send a formal notice of the outcome of the investigation to the company or person(s) who lodged the verification or validation related appeal. ESI’s Internal Auditor shall ensure that the decision on the appeal does not result in any discriminatory actions against the appellant.



ESI, as a third party, has an established process to handle and resolve complaints that arise during the validation and verification (V&V) services. ESI Senior Management will select a Project Investigator on the ESI staff that is independent of the validation or verification to investigate all validation or verification related complaints.

If a complaint is not related to a validation or verification service, a member of Senior Management that is not involved with the subject of the complaint will handle the investigation.

ESI Senior Management will provide the name and title of the ESI personnel selected to investigate the complaint and a detailed description of ESI’s complaint process from ESI’s Validation/Verification Manual to the company or person submitting the complaint.

If you would like to submit a complaint related to ESI’s validation and verification services or submit a non-V/V complaint, please contact ESI’s Senior Management at kbonen@esiagconsulting.com.

Please include in your submission:

  • The client’s name and contact information
  • The nature of the dispute (e.g. complaint on grounds of X, etc.)
  • The resolution sought

ESI realizes that impartiality is critical to the credibility of the work that it performs and the need to ensure decisions are made based on objective criteria. To safeguard impartiality in its client engagements, including its 3rd party validation/verification services, ESI has established a procedure to evaluate risks to impartiality and potential conflict of interest. As part of the client pre-engagement activities, ESI conducts a thorough review to identify risks to impartiality and potential conflicts of interest through the completion of an internal Project Team Competence Checklist. ESI assesses the level of risks associated with the potential threat. Risks are classified as low, medium or high. High and medium risk engagements are not pursued. Furthermore, ESI requires all validation and verification team members, senior reviews and technical consultants to attest to impartiality by signing a project-specific form.


Environmental Sciences, Inc. (ESI), as a third party, treats as strictly confidential all information obtained or produced in validation and verification (V/V) assessments. Except as required by witness audits and accreditation assessments by accreditation bodies such as ANAB or oversight authorities of Greenhouse Gas programs, ESI will not disclose to a third party, without a client’s prior written consent, any information that comes into its possession, the possession of its employees, or affiliates in the course of the client’s engagements. Where a disclosure is required by a relevant reporting program, ESI will give timely notification to its clients prior to the release of any information to the public domain. ESI uses a Services Agreement to safeguard a client’s confidential information.

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